A mobile ministry specializing in resilience-building through customized interactive adventures.

The Chuck Wilson hiking team completed their 45+ mile hike on September 29th. The weather was dramatic. The trail at times was filled with water or littered with downed trees. Considering the life-changing conditions others experienced through the storm, the team fared well.

Thanks for praying and for sponsoring miles to help serve Chaplains and Soldiers.

A $10,000 match has now been met! You can still impact Soldiers by sponsoring a hiker. 

Our Mission is to stimulate significant life change toward wholeness in Christ through interactive experiences and outdoor adventures.


A BENCHMARK experience helps you to better understand where you are and will challenge you to evaluate the way you think, feel, and act in light of Biblical principles.

    “There is importance with communicating and talking and listening and sharing stories and being in community. This reminded me that being by myself is not the only way to feel reconnected or re-centered. I need time spent with others.”

    “I learned that we are put in a certain place at a certain time where God needs us to be. That being said the challenges that come along with this placement are gifts from God for our development.”

    “Taking a moment to reflect and slow down and take a moment to treasure the experiences you have.”

    Ways you can support BENCHMARK